deer runningWildlife Lodgedeer running





This site has been set up as an Information Sharing  I am not telling anyone that they should pick or eat Fiddleheads.

All Information is Protected and cannot be reproduced or used in any way without written permission.

Thank You


What is a Fiddlehead?  Fiddleheads are the furled fronds of a young  fern. The only editable fiddleheads come from the ostrich fern. Ostrich fern fiddlehead stems are a light green, smooth,  have a groove in the stem and the top has a brown papery covering. If your in doubt don't pick them.

Fiddleheads (ostrich ferns) grow wild in wet areas and along river banks. They grow in many states including Alaska. The most abundant and very popular is in the Northeast and Canada. New Englander's especially Mainer's and our friends across the border in Quebec and the Maritimes have made it a spring time tradition to pick Fiddleheads.

Fiddleheads contain many vitamins and  minerals as well as omega 3 & 6, they are also considered an antioxidant.

Fiddleheads also have a down side, they may harbour microbes and some toxins that can be eliminatedwith the proper preparation and cooking procedures.

Care should be taken when cooking and cleaning.Cleaning; be sure to remove the brown papery coating from the fiddlehead, any leaves, twigs that might have fallen in your pail and wash thoroughly.Cooking; fiddleheads should be boiled for 10 minutes. The water will turn a bracken color and should never be used in any soup or sauce (discarded it).

Washed Fiddleheads


The following pictures serve as a guide to help you find and identify fiddleheads 


The green you see in the picture is skunk cabbage a good sign of wet soil and many times you will find Fiddleheads in the area


Fiddleheads growing

Fiddleheads almost ready to pick  (notice the brown papery cover on them)


Wildlife Lodge  provides you with comfortable Lodging and friendly atmosphere. 



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Our site  or  has a lot of information and links for the outdoor enthusiast.

Wildlife Lodge  is located on the  way to Onawa Lake, Onawa Trestle, the center of Maine marker and the Burke Memorial Chapel  ( Onawa Chapel ) in Elliottsville, Maine.

Elliottsville Twp  is just off the Moosehead Trail between Guilford and Moosehead Lake in Greenville ME. The three main roads  in Elliottsville is the Elliottsville Rd, Onawa Rd and Bodfish Valley Road which is the new name for formally Drew Valley Rd and Mountain Rd.

Wildlife Lodge is in Elliottsville Twp Maine and is located  along the 100 mile wilderness in the foothills of Borestone Mountain and just above Big Wilson Stream and the Appalachian Trail.

The Moosehead Trail, Moosehead Lake, 100 Mile Wilderness  and Elliottsville  area of Maine is a paradise for people who love nature and the outdoors. It is a haven for Hunting, Fishing, Snowmobiling, Cross Country Skiing, Hiking, ATV riding, GPS, Geocaching, Canoeing, Kayaking and the Appalachian Trail AMC or just come and relax and enjoy all the Wildlife. ( Moose and Deer )


Wildlife Lodge  is surrounded by many unique towns; Monson, Greenville, Willimantic, Abbot, Abbot Village, Shirley, Blanchard, Guilford and Dover-Foxcroft. Many host town celebrations, craft fairs, Moosehead fly-in and other activities through out the year.  Each town has many lakes, streams and waterfalls for your enjoyment, Moosehead Lake, Onawa Lake, Little Greenwood Pond, Big Greenwood Pond, Monson Pond, Lake Hebron, Sebec Lake, Grindstone Pond, Spectacle Pond, Little Wilson Falls, Tobey Falls, Earley Falls ( Salmon Hole ) Big Wilson Stream and the Piscataquis River.

Fiddleheads, We are the original founders that established a site to bring people together who are interested in either picking or eating Fiddleheads. Our Mission was to have a place where people can ask questions, share information and ideas about Fiddleheads. We have three pages on Facebook, Wildlife Lodge ,  Moosehead Gifts and  FIDDLEHEADS ( A WILD DELICACY OF MAINE AND THE NORTHEAST )    " EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO JOIN OUR PAGES OR B-FRIEND US "